All riders must have completed two waivers before entering any Sooke Saddle Club events at the Metchosin Arena. METCHOSIN DISTRICT HAS ADVISED US THAT RIDERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE RING UNLESS THE WAIVERS HAVE BEEN SIGNED.
Coaches cannot legally sign waivers for Junior Riders (18 or under as of Jan. 1st of current year). These must be signed by parent or legal guardian.
Download the PDF forms – Requires Free Adobe Reader. Download time may vary according to your computer.
- 3-SSC_waiver – to be completed each year if you are going to ride or participate in Sooke Saddle Club events
- 4-MES_waiver – to be completed each year so SSC can verify it. Metchosin District requires this waiver to be legible, and include complete address of rider and witness (not a box number); it must be witnessed and that information completed in full – complete both pages.
- Metchosin Equestrian Society now requires CAPRI WAIVERS for any equestrians who will be entering the Metchosin Arena. Also to be completed each year. Choose the correct waiver – 5-Capri_Over_Age_waiver (19 as of Jan. 1st of current year) or 5-Capri_Under_Age_waiver
In addition, all riders must have BC Horse Council Insurance, obtained through HCBC Insurance.