Memberships are due for the 2023 year. 2023_SSC_membership
All members who participate in any SSC events must have the required waivers signed – SSC, Metchosin and Capri.
Sooke Saddle Club welcomes new members of all ages. Members do not have to own their own horse. We can always find opportunities for people who enjoy being around horses and would like to volunteer at our events. SSC members pay a discounted rate for their classes at our shows and events. Members are required to have current liability insurance with Horse Council B.C.
***Due to rising costs for insurance, show supplies, fees, etc., the Sooke Saddle Club have voted raise membership fees effective Jan. 1, 2016. Juniors (under 18 as of the 1st of current year) – $20.00 . Senior – $25.00. Family – $40.00 (up to 4 members with atleast one senior; additional Jr. members – $5.00 each).
The Sooke Saddle Club does not rent or lease horses. Download the 2024_SSC_membership in PDF format. Requires Free Adobe Reader. Download time may vary depending on your computer. Use your back button to return to this page.